Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Bettter late than never: GIVEAWAY!

Ok, so I know was supposed to do my birthday giveaway in like May, but things have been crazy busy around here. BUT we made it in the end and now you can enter for a little cookie decorating fun of your own!!!

The winner will receive -

1 x AmeriColor gel in electric pink, 1 x CK Products pink sugar crystals

2 x Wilton standard couplers, 2 x disposable piping bags, 1 x Wilton #1 tip, 1 x Wilton #2 tip

1 x Blossom Sugar Art dress cookie cutter

and last but not least, this awesomely (yes it's a word) cool mini rolling pin - just because it is so darn cute!!!

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post. The giveaway is also open to international entrants so everybody can join in the fun. The competition will be open until 8pm AEST Friday 29th June 2012. At this time I will use random.org to generate a winner.

To make it fair to everybody please only post one comment for your entry, anybody that has entered more than once will be excluded from the giveaway.

Now that the boring stuff is over, head on down and place your entry.

READY .. SET .. GO! 


Congratulations to Detirijose on winning the birthday giveaway! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your goodies and make sure you share your creations :)

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Quick catch up!

Ok, so here I am quickly catching up on some of the big things that have been happening!

I told you in the last post that I would fill you in on how the Easter Cookie Swap came about. It was getting close to Easter and after feeling very left out watching all the American Cookie Swaps I put a call out on Precious Pie Cookies Facebook page asking if any Australian cookiers would be interested in an Easter Cookie Swap. I had immediate interest from Beck at Becca's Biscuits who reshared my post to her wall and had immediate interest from Traci at Cookie Queen Kitsch'n.

Between the three of us we decided the best course of action was to start a page where all Australian cookiers could gather, meet and share. So we started Australian Cookiers United and from this page we ran the Cookie Swap and were excited to have plenty of interest! If you want to see what everybody created head on over and take a look. Feel free to join in the fun while you are there :) There is currently a TV Cookie Challenge going on with some great prizes up for grabs, all the details are on the page and it is open to ANYBODY!

Here are my cookies sent out to my two swappers.

Next was ANZAC day. I collaborated with the lovely Maree of The Old Fashioned Baking Company to create this lovely package to commemorate ANZAC Day.


I loved this pack and it was an honor to create it!

I also created two dessert tables with my bestest friend Lauren from Happy Little Cupcake. Check out her blogpost here to see all the deliciousness!
Anyway, I'll finish up the boringness (it's absolutely a word!) and hope to see you drop by our Australian Cookiers United page :)