Thursday, 6 October 2011

Energize my cookie

This week I had the challenge of creating an "energy cookie" for a beach volleyball team to take to the Masters Games. They gave me a sample of their team shirt material and left me to my own devices.

Having never even considered making anything of it's kind I had to do some research and here was the end result.

Energy Cookie Recipe


2 1/2 Cups Rolled Oats
2/3 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 Cup Plain Flour
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/2 Cup Honey
1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
100g Melted Butter
3/4 Tsp Vanilla Paste
1 Cup Dried Fruit & Nut Mix


Preheat oven to 180.

Combine dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients and mix thoroughly.

On a cookie tray place the cookie cutter you wish to use. Scoop in mixture and pack tightly. Gently remove cookie cutter and repeat process until all mixture is used.

Bake until golden brown (about 20 minutes).

Ta Da! You have energy cookies. Eat as is or decorate with Royal Icing.

If you have any left, cookies can be stored in an airtight container.

Have you ever been given a custom order that has left you feeling a little overwhelmed?

Monday, 3 October 2011

From fail to fun!

So I spent this Sunday with Miss Lauren from Happy Little Cupcake and boredom took over after FAR too much rain watching so we got to cupcake baking. Orange cupcakes for that matter!

So now it's icing time, right? Well my cupcakey friend says "do you have a large icing tip?" Now I totally didn't look at her blankly (I know what a large icing tip is!), but apparently a number 4 tip does NOT constitute a large icing tip! Who knew? It's not my fault I tell you, I'm a cookier!

This was where I came up with my AMAZING idea that had Lauren looking at me like maybe I was a little bit defective and telling me that it wasn't going to work. But being the stubborn optimistic person that I am I wouldn't be persuaded.

So I pulled out the trusty cardstock and made myself a large icing tip.

Tell the truth, you know you are looking at it and thinking that it is totally awesome!!!!

Feeling creative we decided to go with a blue, green and yellow icing swirl. We coloured our buttercream and got our tip ready for it's grand introduction to the world of decorating.

This may or may not have been the begining of the end of my masterplan! Lets just say that all in all it was an interesting experience. Out of this experience though also came some fun. I looked at the disaster and just saw failure but Miss Cupcake saw monsters and that's when things started to look up :)

Here was our end result

What kitchen disasters have you turned around?