Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Meet My Moustache!

So this year we had my husbands birthday party with the family a little early as it's school holidays and everybody will be away on his actual birthday. Despite the rain we had an amazing morning and for a little fun I made moustache cookies which were a BIG hit with the kidlets!

As you can see Miss 4 in the bottom right hand corner had to test the quality of her moustache :)

Give these a go at your next party, you could even make masks for a true disguise!

Monday, 5 September 2011


I'm the first to admit that my photography skills are less than desirable, so when we had our family photo's taken by the beautiful Renee of Capture Me Photography I just had to share her talent with you.

Renee is amazing, not just her photo's but her personality and the way she immediately puts you at ease. I highly recommend her services, and she is even reasonable priced!

Enjoy a few of our 2011 family pics below, and then mosey on over to her website or facebook page to see the rest of her stunning artwork.


Pie for Mikey

Now I know I'm really behind in posting this but I did actually make a peanut butter pie for Mikey.

For those of you who haven't heard (although I'm sure you all have), the gorgeous Jennie of In Jennie's Kitchen lost her husband last month and asked the blogging community to make her husbands favourite peanut butter pie (find the story and recipe here).

Now I just want to go on the record as saying that I have NEVER made a sweet pie before so this was quite interesting. It tasted amazing!

In celebration of Mikey I cuddled on the lounge with Miss 2, Master 6 months and Billy boy and we proceeded to destroy half the pie.

Thank you to Jennie for taking a moment in your unbearable heartache to share this recipe with us so that we may in turn share it with our loved ones!

If you haven't already, make a pie for Mikey. The timing may be out, but the sentiment stays the same!